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Theo Games Petrohilos

Theo Games Petrohilos

Theo Games Petrohilos

Founding Director, Unknown Works

Theo is an architect, designer, illustrator, and educator. Theo lead on the recently completed award winning CLT House, he is currently lead on the new permanent Energy Revolution Gallery at the Science Museum in London. Theo co founded Unknown Works after leaving Studio Egret West where he led a wide portfolio of projects at all scales and stages of development, in both the realms of Architecture and Urban design. This included large scale development and infrastructure projects. Theo represented SEW on the TFL Design Governance Board, a high level body which reviews and guides projects coming forward on the network. He undertook an extensive feasibility study for Lewisham Station and Interchange (LSI) with collaborator Atkins, for clients TFL and Lewisham Council.

Theo co-authored the London Underground Design Idiom which seeks to re-define how one of London’s most defining networks is designed. Theo led work on LU’s ‘Integrated Station Program’ (ISP). A project for the reimagining and rebuilding of a large tranche of stations across the underground network. Theo is a masters tutor at the London School of Architecture and is a visiting critic at the Bartlett, University College London.




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  • ADF (Architects’ Datafile) is well-regarded in the sector for bringing architects the broadest range of coverage on current UK and international projects, as well as thought leadership on key issues, ...