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We've signed the Design for Diversity Pledge

16 Jun 2021

We've signed the Design for Diversity Pledge

We've signed the Design for Diversity Pledge
Design for Diversity

Design for Diversity is an initiative launched on 18th June 2020, by Kate Watson Smyth & Rukmini Patel. The three-point Pledge covers, Visibility, Opportunity and Accessibility and is a first step to working towards a more diverse design industry, giving brands, businesses and bloggers a guideline on areas they can work on.

Clerkenwell Design Week is taking the Design for Diversity Pledge as we are passionate about championing and supporting diversity and inclusivity in the design industry. We will continue to diversify our selection of suppliers, designers, exhibitors, contractors and stakeholders.

Find out more about the Design for Diversity initiative and our support, here.

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  • ADF (Architects’ Datafile) is well-regarded in the sector for bringing architects the broadest range of coverage on current UK and international projects, as well as thought leadership on key issues, ...