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#DesignTogether - 3rd April

03 Apr 2020

#DesignTogether - 3rd April

#DesignTogether - 3rd April
Download OnOffice's The Family Issue

Each week, alongside Design London, ICON, OnOffice and The Clerkenwell Post we #DesignTogether by sharing our picks of free content, continuing those all important conversations and spreading as much positivity as possible.

From learning workshops and talks, to virtual tours and opinion pieces...
there's something for everyone.

Exploring family from a contemporary and inclusive standpoint, OnOffice's 'The Family Issue' challenges traditional interpretations. Download your free copy here.

#DesignTogether free content

Ab Concept
At home with Ab Concept's Ed Ng

Find out how to work from home, the right way, as OnOffice editor catches up with AB Concept's Ed Ng from his home situated in Japan's upmarket mountain resort Karuizawa.

Read the story here

Design Museum
The Design Museum Digital Calendar

There is no reason why self-isolating should mean missing out on design inspiration. Brush up on your design history, virtually visit designer studios and join learning sessions for all ages.

Find out more
Virtual CDW tours
Virtual tours of #CDW10

Whilst we look forward to welcoming the design community to #CDW2020 in July, why not embark on virtual tours of exhibitions at CDW's 10th anniversary last year courtesy of Theatro 360. 

Join the tours here


#DesignTogether community

Seeing the design community get involved with our #DesignTogether campaign has certainly put smiles on our faces - and so thank you!

Below, we're delighted to spotlight just some of the contributors. Please continue to share your content with us by tagging us across social media or by emailing us on for your chance to be featured!

Lois O'Hara
Lois O'Hara, Artist and Designer

"I’m a big fan of CDW and it’s great to have been asked to design an art installation for the event. I can create the installation from home whilst in self-isolation which is great. I’m excited to bring my waves of colour to Clerkenwell!"

Follow Lois on Instagram

Design Disrupters
Anna Paganell, Design Disrupters

"Establishing new connections could prove to be an invaluable source for future creative partnerships and new business opportunities - especially if you’ve currently lost work or new client projects have been put on hold."

Read more





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