#DesignTogether - 5 June
For the 12th edition of the #DesignTogether newsletter we highlight a sustainable product launch by DSM, live talks as well as support for #BlackOutTuesday earlier this week.
#DesignTogether free content
Fair Play Part 1 - The Fate of Design Exhibitions
In this era of social distancing, how will major design exhibitions operate the world over? Love That Design curated an event hosted by Cosentino City to discuss the future of design fairs.
The panel featured senior representatives from NeoCon and Downtown Design as well as our very own Marlon Cera-Marle.
DSM introduces Again™, commercial carpet designed for circularity
Promotional feature
Again™ is a commercial broadloom carpet designed for circularity and is specifically meant for office use. The carpet is unique in two ways. It is made of recycled materials and it can be recycled into new carpet after use. What’s more, it meets commercial carpet highest quality standards.
Insights Live From Spacestor - 11th June at 4pm
We all know that 'the workplace' as we know it won't stay the same after this pandemic, but how will it change? Join Spacestor in a free webinar as they discuss aspects of this topic with global panellists.
CDW, Architects and Designers support racial equality
The architecture and design industry has spoken out against racism with Yinka Ilori, David Adjaye, Camille Walala, Morag Myerscough and many more posting a black square on Instagram in support of racial justice.
#DesignTogether community
We strive to bring creatives and the design community together with the #DesignTogether initiative and we thank you for your support.
This week we highlight another CDW memory as well as a simple but compelling message submitted via Instagram.
Friends of Wilson
Here's FoW team member Lyndsay doing some stylish lounging at #CDW201. Spot the photo bomber in the background! 😁 We missed the event last week, but looking forward to being back for more fun & frolics & to see everyone again in #CDW2021 #DesignTogether
A simple but effective message submitted by @carikebrits via Instagram...
Kindness is a currency that does not make us wealthy by its ownership, but by our ability to spend it on others.