CDW Free Sketchup Workshops!
CDW teamed up with St Luke’s community Centre to run free ‘SketchUp for Beginners’ workshops. Promoted to the users of the centre online and in an e-newsletter, the workshops proved very popular with the community.
Clerkenwell is home to more creative business per square mile than anywhere else on the planet. The festival is always looking at ways we can give back to the local community of Clerkenwell - so what better way than share the tools used within the creative fields that it’s surrounded by!
SketchUp is a 3D modelling software for creating geometric 3D objects to scale. It is often used for professions such as: Architecture, Interior Design, Landscaping, Events – Show Design and more.
Within the workshops we shared our experiences of creating 3D designs that later become part of our CDW Presents, new projects and street spectacles commissioned specifically for the festival. The installations are installed within public spaces to be enjoyed for free. The programme is created to challenge people’s perception of design application, as well as to inspire and entertain.
Within the beginners workshop, we looked at the very basic steps such as; an understanding of the basic tools, how to draw basic 2D shapes (lines, rectangles, circles, arcs), how to turn a 2D shape into a 3D object, how to move, push, pull, cut, rotate, scale, copy and delete objects and more.
The feedback was very positive, one attendant said:
“Thank you so much for setting up this class. It was so enjoyable, and I had so much fun. No improvements required for this class as it excellent for anyone including beginners like me who had never used it before or experienced used who need to brush up on their techniques.”
Following the popularity and success of these classes, CDW have pledged to run more in the future.
CDW is returning to the streets of Clerkenwell this July and will be doing more in the local community. Stay tuned for updates!