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Product gallery

i-rise corporate

04 May 2022

i-rise corporate

  • i-rise corporate
  • i-rise corporate
  • i-rise corporate
i-rise corporate i-rise corporate i-rise corporate

Two functions for one room. Our most advanced multifunctional workspace solution provides immediate access to hidden computer screens and keyboards.

The design can work with any type of computer, including Apple Macs, and thanks to the unique interlocking design it can offer a seamless expandable workspace for everyone no matter what size your area is.

At the touch of a button the central section lowers to provide a flat workspace for collaborative purposes and can even take a fixed stand for AV and interactive screens to enhance sharing of communication.

Optional matching storage and ventilated PC cabinets for high spec computers can be added to complete the look.

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  • ADF (Architects’ Datafile) is well-regarded in the sector for bringing architects the broadest range of coverage on current UK and international projects, as well as thought leadership on key issues, ...