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Plan. Shape. Build.

01 Mar 2022

Plan. Shape. Build.

Consult and listen

The PLAN element of what we do is to first, sit and listen to your challenge, understand, and hear what your project is all about. To make sure we have pushed back and helped you see alternative ways of doing things to meet the guidance. We won’t say yes for the sake of it, our experience has taught us that we must challenge ourselves and our customers at the planning stage to make sure we know what the end goal looks like and most importantly, how we get there.

Challenge and guide
The SHAPE element is the creative part, it’s where all our ideas are joined together to make the project come to life. It’s through our specialist fire solutions design teams that we know what’s important and what needs to be considered. We will always make sure you are confident with how things are processing. We believe that the best results come from a collaborative effort. It’s up to us to take the strain off you, remove the worry and leave you to do what you do best. We shape things for the better and learning from what we know in our plan phase, we are well on our way to creating something amazing and safe.

Deliver and sustain

When it comes to the final part, which is to BUILD, we know how crucial this is to the success of the project in terms of deadlines, budgets, and most importantly long-lasting results. You’ve not just worked with us on making sure it works well, integrates, and is designed with the latest techniques and products on offer, but also how it sustains its life in situ. We don’t walk away after the build.
We work alongside clients, consultants, and contractors to make sure that our collaborative relationship is as robust as the fire system itself. Lots can change at this phase of the project, and we know that being “on site” and “in sight” is important to our customers. This way if we are challenged, we are all involved in
the outcome. 

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