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Product gallery

NatureConnect skylight

NatureConnect skylight

Signify Stand: L7
  • NatureConnect skylight
  • NatureConnect skylight
  • NatureConnect skylight
NatureConnect skylight NatureConnect skylight NatureConnect skylight

Your cost-effective daylight experience in the perfect retrofit solution.

Create a wow-factor with the perfect illusion of a view to the sky. In combination with the NatureConnect scene set, the light output can change from a cooler, energizing scene to a warmer, relax mode, depending on the time of the day.


All-in-one with functional lighting

Replace existing luminaires with the NatureConnect skylight to transform windowless rooms while still benefiting from functional lighting that complies with lighting standards (UGR19).

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  • ADF (Architects’ Datafile) is well-regarded in the sector for bringing architects the broadest range of coverage on current UK and international projects, as well as thought leadership on key issues, ...