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Landscab by Cecilie Manz

Landscab by Cecilie Manz

Kasthall Stand: OSH13
  • Landscab by Cecilie Manz
  • Landscab by Cecilie Manz
  • Landscab by Cecilie Manz
Landscab by Cecilie Manz Landscab by Cecilie Manz Landscab by Cecilie Manz

The flatwoven rugs, Gryn and Korn, are described by Manz as "very thin, dense, dry, and hard like crispbread" and "coarser, robust, and thick," respectively. The hand-tufted rugs, Spire and Ålegræs, have different textures and heights, giving them distinctive and interesting expressions. "Nature always plays a role, often unintentionally. I enjoy spending time in nature, so it naturally influences my work. The collection is called 'Landskab' as a reference to the rugs' various textures, colors, and heights," says Cecilie Manz.

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