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Innovative drafting tools

Innovative drafting tools

University of Westminster Stand: TB2

Exploring the development of drafting tools through joint exploration 

The initial prototype, an adjustable drafting board crafted from wood and leather, was designed to offer a dynamic range of orientations and positions. This design aimed to enhance the user's interaction with the tool, allowing for a seamless transition between landscape and portrait modes, aided by a track-mounted arm enabling multidirectional movement.


Despite the aesthetic appeal of leather, its functional contribution was minimal.

Further exploration led to the development of a hinge mechanism, a blend of wood, fabric, and leather, drawing inspiration from the structural and functional aspects of human joints. Leather, simulating tendons, was paired with wood to create a system capable of absorbing movement and weight, akin to stress points in human anatomy. The initial use of fabric with glue presented challenges, as it compromised the flexibility of the mechanism. Subsequent iterations utilized leather, which, despite initial success, revealed limitations in durability as it stretched.


The final concept, a reimagined Mahl stick, represented a culmination of insights gained from previous prototypes. This tool, designed to extend the user's reach and provide support during drafting and painting, incorporated oak bars and leather joints.


This design not only offered enhanced stability and flexibility but also highlighted the potential for sleeker, more ergonomic designs. By integrating metal, the design achieves a balance between flexibility and rigidity. The straight edge and distance markers painted onto the surface aid in drawing.


The transition to metal opens up possibilities for further customization, allowing for tailoring for specific needs, interchangeable tips, or modular components, the metal prototype represents a versatile foundation for future innovation in artist tools.


Each prototype's journey underscored the critical role of material properties and ergonomic considerations in creating functional, effective drafting tools

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