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Product gallery


  • Criaterra
Criaterra Criaterra Criaterra

The wall tile challenges the conventions of production and design and is 100% biodegradable, taking a bold step to product circularity.

Criaterra is entirely made from natural materials, entirely recyclable and entirely biodegradable: a true zero-waste wall tile. Using up to 70% upcycled content from quarry waste (stone powders), clays and plant fibres, the wall tile uses a low temperature process that reduces greenhouse gases and takes 90% less energy than conventional ceramics.

Under the principle of Circular Earth Technology, Criaterra starts with 100% raw materials, even natural pigments, with up to 70% of these materials post-industrial recycled. The tile is then made with a patented process that replaces conventional high temperature firing for a 90% reduction in energy use and a 92% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Thermally efficient (600% that of concrete), Criaterra also provides energy savings in use. At the end of life, it can be recycled or degraded back into the earth as nutrients.

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  • ADF (Architects’ Datafile) is well-regarded in the sector for bringing architects the broadest range of coverage on current UK and international projects, as well as thought leadership on key issues, ...